Dear Residents of Crossbow Point,
The Board, working in conjunction with the Social Committee, decided to purchase 3 Automated External Defibrillators (AED) for use at Crossbow Point. With your help, they may save a life one day. AEDs are used to revive someone from sudden cardiac arrest. This usually occurs when a disruption in the heart’s electrical activity causes a dangerously fast heartbeat or a fast and irregular heartbeat. The AEDs are conveniently located inside each building entrance (155, 175 & 165 - Amenities Building),are very easy to use, and are available to anyone in an emergency situation. Important: We ask that everyone take about 30 minutes to familiarize themselves with the AEDs and online training: 1. Visit each building entrance and know where the device is located (knowing this is vital). Large signs help to identify the unit. The units are inside an unlocked, alarmed cabinet. 2. Review the 4 minute video below on the use of the Philips HeartStart AED 3. Review this FAQ from Alberta Health Services While training in CPR is not necessary to use an AED (the AED will verbally instruct you), knowing CPR is an essential skill and anyone can be trained. Here is a 2:49 minute video on CPR. Onsite demonstrations on the use of AEDs are planned in the coming weeks. CPR training classes will be facilitated. Watch for further information. A dedicated webpage with AED information will be launched shortly on our website. Hello Residents:
Please be advised that annual parkade cleaning has been scheduled for Building 155 on Wednesday, April 17 and Building 175 on Thursday, April 18, 2024; Work is scheduled to start at 9:00 a.m. Please ensure your vehicle moved out of the parkade in advance the above start time to facilitate this cleaning. Items being stored in parking stalls should be moved facilitate proper cleaning and items stored on the floor of storage cages should be moved to prevent them from getting wet or damaged. *Neither PEKA, the Condominium Corporation, or the cleaning contractors are responsible for any personal belongings that are damaged during the parkade cleaning.* Vehicles will not be able to gain entry until the work has been completed. Please use above ground and street parking until access is permitted. Additional visits to clean the parkade due to any vehicles or belongings not moved will have all costs associated with the additional cleaning assessed back to the unit. If you have private tenants or guests in your unit, please share this information with them. Tenants in units managed by the PEKA rental team will be provided with this information on your behalf. If you have any questions, please contact Becki Brouwer ay [email protected] Thank you in advance for your co-operation. Dear owners of Crossbow Landing and Crossbow Point,
Please save the date, April 27, 2024, for the 2024 Crossbow Annual General Meeting and for the Crossbow Landing and Point Annual Committee Meetings, that will be held at the Solara Resorts & Spa in the Aurora theater room (187 Kananaskis Way, Canmore AB). A detailed package with more information will be sent out to owners in advance. Crossbow Landing ACM: 9:30 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. Crossbow AGM: 11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Crossbow Point ACM: 12:30 p.m. – 2:30 p.m. Crossbow Landing owners are requested to attend both the Crossbow Landing Annual Committee Meeting at 9:30 a.m. and the Crossbow Condominium Annual General Meeting at 11:30 a.m. Crossbow Point owners are requested to attend both the Crossbow Annual General Meeting at 11:30 a.m. and the Crossbow Point Committee Meeting at 12:30 p.m. AGM: it is very important that all owners attend the Crossbow AGM at 11:30 a.m. ACM: Owners should plan to attend this meeting for their respective project (Landing or Point). However, any owner is welcome to attend the Annual Committee Meeting for the opposite condominium. With winter snow, especially when wet and sticky, your vehicle's wheel wells and undercarriage can become significantly snow laden. Upon entering the garage (or if a P1-155 user, prior to entering that space) we ask that you consider using one of our car washes (P2 of 155 or P1 of 175) to remove accumulated snow and debris prior to parking. As usual, please clean up the area after use of the car wash.
This practice would benefit all parking areas and keep stalls and travel lanes cleaner. This is particularly important for P1-155 users as snow melt in some sections can be at risk of seeping into the lower parking lot. Thank you for your consideration. Your volunteer Board ..../David, Ron D, Ron S, Lawrence, and Christine An important notice regarding Guest Room fee changes:
Dear Owners and Tenants, As a part of the Board’s regular review of Crossbow’s amenities provision and offering to owners/tenants, the rental terms for the Guest Rooms have been updated, with effect from January 1, 2024. RENTAL RATE: Fees for Guest Room use are $85.00 for the first night plus $40.00 for each additional night. CANCELLATION: Refunds (less a $45 cancellation fee) will be issued for any partial or complete reservation cancelled 7 days prior to the first day of the reservation. NO REFUND will be issued for cancellation less than 7 days prior to the first day of the reservation. WHEN CHANGES ARE EFFECTIVE: For PRE - January 1, 2024, Booking Dates:
For POST - January 1, 2024, Booking Dates:
To make a booking request for guest rooms, please go to: As is the Board’s standard practice, this rate change is announced with a minimum of 30 days’ notice. Your volunteer Board of Directors, David, Ron D, Ron S, Lawrence, and Christine Summer - how to turn off your pilot light
and other information for the fall We have updated our website to now provide substantially more information on the operation of the fireplace, including pictures. The quick link to the applicable webpage is HERE. We are pleased to advise that a 'community herb planter' is available and ready for all to use and enjoy.
The planter is the large red one at the top of the 175 driveway, adjacent to the sidewalk. Also, there is a tomato plant a small wicker pot. Tags in the planter identify the plantings. We thank Kevin and the Landscaping Committee for arranging this additional amenity for residents. The Crossbow Annual General meeting will be held in person at Solara Resort & Spa (187 Kananaskis Way). The AGM scheduled for April 29, 2023 at 11:30 am with sign in starting at 11:00 am. The AGM is followed by the Crossbow Point Annual Committee Meeting (ACM) at 12:30. An AGM package has been sent to all owners by email or by mail for those that have not signed up for email correspondence.
As there is limited street parking on Kananaskis Way, we recommend that attendees either take the Roam transit bus or car pool. If you are unable to attend in person, we do ask that you return a proxy to help achieve quorum. A copy of the Annual Committee meeting package has been sent to all owners. Owners who wish to serve on the Board of Directors for either Landing or Point will be required to submit a Board Volunteer form (included in package). This form needs to be returned to PEKA no later than April 14. Owners who volunteer for the Board will not be giving a presentation during the meeting, so we do ask that you fill out the form with all pertinent information. The submitted forms will be circulated to all owners on or before April 18. A question form has also been included. We ask that all questions be submitted no later than April 24. This will allow the respective Boards time to respond in advance of the meeting. Board elections will only be held if there are more than 5 volunteers per side (Landing or Point). Voting for the Board if applicable, will be done by ballot. Notice from PEKA:
Good afternoon Owners, The Crossbow Point Board of Directors has retained the services of Banff Plumbing to complete a full drain stack cleaning in both 155 and 175. This work will all be done in the parkade, and unit access is not required. The plumbers have scheduled the work for 2 days per building between 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Vehicles will need to be removed for the duration of this work to help facilitate the work being completed. Please have vehicles moved by 8:00 a.m. on both days. Building 155 has been scheduled for April 3 & 4. If they do not require the full 2 days, we will let owners know. Building 175 has been scheduled for April 5 & 7. Again, if they do not require the full 2 days, we will let owners know. Efficient Parkade Cleaning will be on site to clean the parkades on April 19 (155) & 20 (175). Vehicles will need to be removed on these days as well. An additional email will be sent out as a reminder. If you have private tenants, please share this information with them. If your unit is managed by the PEKA rental team, those tenants will be notified on your behalf. Best regards, Becki Brouwer Executive Assistant to Gibson Rencz Licensed Condominium Associate |
April 2024
Notices |
Please note: this website is updated on a best effort regular basis as circumstances warrant. If there is any discrepancy between website content and official documents, the official documents prevail. General comments and suggestions regarding this website may be emailed to the Board of Directors using the Contact Us tab within this website.