FIREPLACE OPERATION INTRODUCTION You will need to know how to turn off/on your fireplace, including the operation of the pilot light. If you find that your unit is too warm in the summer months, you may want to turn off the pilot light. While there is a general on/off switch on the wall, adjacent to the fireplace, it is only operable once the fireplace control valves and pilot light have been adjusted properly. FIREPLACE INSTRUCTIONS An ‘instruction card’ is usually located at the base of your fireplace Refer to these instructions, as depicted below. Click on the image to view it in full size. You can download or print it for reference and use. HEAT IN THE SUMMER – Owners/Tenants should TURN OFF the PILOT LIGHT in the summer, as the heat from the pilot light can significantly add to the heat load in your unit and contribute to your lack of comfort during warm/hot summer days.
GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS 1. ON: NORMAL OPERATION – PICTURE BELOW OF THE FIREPLACE WITH VALVES SET IN THE FULLY ON AND REGULAR OPERATIONAL POSITION (note the yellow valve is ‘open’ as it is set in line with the gas line). Follow the INSTRUCTIONS as illustrated above. All fireplace control valves are located behind the hinged louvered access panel at the base of the fireplace.
2. TURN OFF: PIC BELOW OF THE FIREPLACE WITH VALVES IN THE FULLY OFF POSITION (note the yellow valve is ‘closed’ as it is set perpendicular to the gas line). To turn the fireplace off:
3. TURN ON: This is more complicated than turning off the fireplace, but the main difference is in the process used to light the pilot light. We suggest that you refer to the ‘Instructions. The steps include:
4. BELOW IS A PICTURE OF THE FULL ARRAY OF VALVES, in the ON position. From left to right, they are:
Policies and Procedures
Part 1: Caring for Your Unit
Part 2: Access to Your Unit
Part 3: Amenities
Part 4: Other Matters
Please note: this website is updated on a best effort regular basis as circumstances warrant. If there is any discrepancy between website content and official documents, the official documents prevail. General comments and suggestions regarding this website may be emailed to the Board of Directors using the Contact Us tab within this website.