The Condominium is registered with the Province of Alberta, Alberta Government Services, Land Titles Office as CROSSBOW LANDING and CROSSBOW POINT CONDOMINIUM CORPORATION #0310034, REDIVISION 0410395/0510165. The Crossbow Point Condominium encompasses the civic addresses of 155 (residences), 165 (amenities building) and 175 (residences) Crossbow Place, Canmore, Alberta. The By-Laws apply to both Crossbow Landing and Crossbow Point condominiums except where specifically stated otherwise. All accounting, operating and reserve funds, and condominium assessments are established and maintained separately for Crossbow Point. For all owners, a joint condominium Annual General Meeting is held each January, followed by a separate Annual Committee Meeting for owners of Crossbow Point.
Crossbow Point Condominium is governed by a Board of Directors, consisting of a group of five volunteer owners elected at each Annual General Meeting (AGM). The Board consists of a President, Vice-President, Treasurer, Secretary and non-officer Director. The Board of Directors has the responsibility of governing all condominium business and operations, including the administration and maintenance of common property, setting the annual budget and ensuring compliance with the By-Laws. A property manager is retained to assist and provide guidance to the Board. The property manager carries out many administrative and operational duties under the oversight of the Board. The Annual General Meeting (AGM) and the Annual Committee Meeting (ACM) takes place a few months after the end of the fiscal year and is generally held on the first non-holiday Saturday in January. Attendance at the AGM is important as the meeting can only be held if a quorum is achieved. If you, as an owner, are unable to attend these meetings, please complete and return the proxy so that your vote can be counted and a quorum of owners is achieved. As Board members are elected or re-elected each year at the AGM, this meeting serves as the opportunity for owners to volunteer for Board candidacy. The AGM is a joint meeting of the Board and owners of both Crossbow Point and Crossbow Landing Condominiums; the ACM is a meeting of the Crossbow Point Board and Owners. The annual budget coincides with the Condominium’s fiscal year commencing September 1st to August 31st of each year. The details of the budget, along with the condominium fee structure, is contained in the annual Managers' Report and is advised in advance by August 15 of each year. |
Our Condo Corporation
Crossbow Point Condominium Corporation
Condominium Administration & Operations
Please note: this website is updated on a best effort regular basis as circumstances warrant. If there is any discrepancy between website content and official documents, the official documents prevail. General comments and suggestions regarding this website may be emailed to the Board of Directors using the Contact Us tab within this website.