Notice from PEKA:
Good afternoon Owners, The Crossbow Point Board of Directors has retained the services of Banff Plumbing to complete a full drain stack cleaning in both 155 and 175. This work will all be done in the parkade, and unit access is not required. The plumbers have scheduled the work for 2 days per building between 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Vehicles will need to be removed for the duration of this work to help facilitate the work being completed. Please have vehicles moved by 8:00 a.m. on both days. Building 155 has been scheduled for April 3 & 4. If they do not require the full 2 days, we will let owners know. Building 175 has been scheduled for April 5 & 7. Again, if they do not require the full 2 days, we will let owners know. Efficient Parkade Cleaning will be on site to clean the parkades on April 19 (155) & 20 (175). Vehicles will need to be removed on these days as well. An additional email will be sent out as a reminder. If you have private tenants, please share this information with them. If your unit is managed by the PEKA rental team, those tenants will be notified on your behalf. Best regards, Becki Brouwer Executive Assistant to Gibson Rencz Licensed Condominium Associate Comments are closed.
April 2024
Notices |
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