Hello Residents:
Please be advised that annual parkade cleaning has been scheduled for Building 155 on Wednesday, April 17 and Building 175 on Thursday, April 18, 2024; Work is scheduled to start at 9:00 a.m. Please ensure your vehicle moved out of the parkade in advance the above start time to facilitate this cleaning. Items being stored in parking stalls should be moved facilitate proper cleaning and items stored on the floor of storage cages should be moved to prevent them from getting wet or damaged. *Neither PEKA, the Condominium Corporation, or the cleaning contractors are responsible for any personal belongings that are damaged during the parkade cleaning.* Vehicles will not be able to gain entry until the work has been completed. Please use above ground and street parking until access is permitted. Additional visits to clean the parkade due to any vehicles or belongings not moved will have all costs associated with the additional cleaning assessed back to the unit. If you have private tenants or guests in your unit, please share this information with them. Tenants in units managed by the PEKA rental team will be provided with this information on your behalf. If you have any questions, please contact Becki Brouwer ay [email protected] Thank you in advance for your co-operation. Comments are closed.
April 2024
Notices |
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