Dear Owners, Tenants and Residents,
This communication is further to our July 5 and 6 emails to owners, tenants, and residents regarding the booking system for the Pool, Hot Tub, Sauna and Steam Room, and the re-opening of the Guest Suites. Pool, Hot Tub, Sauna and Steam Room: As you will recall, the Board solicited feedback regarding the continuance of the booking system or returning to open access. We thank the 21 owners and tenants who wrote to us. While there were mixed views, the clear majority expressed a desire to return to fully open access and the cancellation of the booking system. Therefore, effective on Thursday, July 15, the booking system will no longer apply, and attendance is open to all during regular operational hours. Guest Suites: We are pleased to advise that the Guest Suites are open effective Tuesday, July 13, 2021. Please refer to our website for booking information. General Information: GENERAL SANITIZING Related to Alberta Health Services guidance that Covid-19 spread is due to airborne transmission, surface sanitization work will be reduced or eliminated. VISITORS and MASKING As per AHS guidance to Albertans, visitors to our property are permitted. Enjoy regaining some important social contact. While the use of masks is not required, you may wish to continue as a personal choice for protection in more confined areas. CONTACT TRACING There is no monitoring/supervision of the above areas other than the recording by the existing booking system, video cameras and the FOB access system. These systems will be used for Contact Tracing if so required. We are all very aware of the seriousness of Covid-19 and that the virus very much remains with us. The outlined operations and restrictions are subject to re-evaluation as circumstances warrant. Your Board of Directors thanks you for your understanding and co-operation as we all continue to work our way forward through a lengthy, frustrating, and challenging time. Your Volunteer Board, Anne, David, Rob, Ron and Jamie Comments are closed.
April 2024
Notices |
Please note: this website is updated on a best effort regular basis as circumstances warrant. If there is any discrepancy between website content and official documents, the official documents prevail. General comments and suggestions regarding this website may be emailed to the Board of Directors using the Contact Us tab within this website.